2-Way Eleven
Player betting one roll wager on 11 for himself AND the dealers.
2-Way Parlay
When player calls a parlay bet for himself AND the dealers.
3-Way Craps
A bet made in units of 3, with one unit on 2, one unit on 3,and one unit on the 12. This is a horn bet without a bet on 11.
3-Way Seven
A better way to make a wager on Any Seven.
Betting that the next roll will be a total of 2. Also used by dealerswhen referencing $1 gaming cheques.
A one-roll bet on 2 and 3.
How busy the table is. Or, the wagers that are in play.
Any Craps
A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, or 12. This bet pays 7:1and has a house edge of 11.1%.
Any seven
A bet that the next roll will be 7. This bet pays 4:1 and hasa house edge of 16.7%.
The outer perimeter of the table layout (felt).
At Risk
Used to indicate that a player's wager is active or "in action".
Same as Don't Pass Line.
Ballerina Special
Two 2's.
Bank Craps
The proper name of the casino game of Craps.
Barber Pole
When a player intermingles gaming cheques of different denominations.Wagers made combining different denominations are supposed to be stacked with thehighest denominations on the bottom.
Big 6
A bet that a total of 6 will be rolled before a total of 7. This betpays even money, and has a house edge of 9.1%. A place bet on 6 pays 7:6 but isotherwise identical. The place bet is preferred, having a house edge of 1.5%
Big 8
A bet that a total of 8 will be rolled before a a total of 7. Thisbet pays even money, and has a house edge of 9.1%. A place bet on 8 pays 7:6 butis otherwise identical. The place bet is preferred, having a house edge of 1.5%
Big Red
Placing a bet on Any Seven.
Dealer slang for $100 gaming cheques which in most casinos are black.
Bones Another name for the dice.
Bowl The wooden, plastic, or sometimes metal container near the stickmanthat houses the dice.
Boxcars Betting on a total of 12.
Boxman Table supervisor who sits between the dealers and opposite the stickmanand who is responsible for the thousands of dollars worth of chips that the casinokeeps on hand at each craps table (The House Bank).
Boys (or The Boys) Slang for the Dealers.
Broke Money Money given by the casino to a broke player for transportation.
Buffalo A bet on each of the Hardways and Any Seven.
Buffalo-Yo Same as above, but with Hardways and Eleven.
Bump When a dealer gets an extra 20-minute break because the table or pitis overstaffed in comparison to the gaming activity.
Buy Bet Giving the house a 5% commission in order to be paid correct oddsfor a place bet. The buy bets on 4 and 10 allow the player to reduce the house edgefrom 6.67% to 4% on these bets. Some casinos collect the commission only on winningbets, while others collect it at the time the bet is made.
C and E Bet A proposition bet on the any craps (C) AND on 11 (E).
Charting a Table Keeping track of table outcomes, either on paper or byusing chips in your chip rack
Capped Dice Crooked dice
Change Only When players put money on the table to get gaming chips (asopposed to MONEY PLAYS, when the player bets the money directly).
Cheques Another term for gaming chips.
Cocked Dice
A die or dice that end up leaning on the wall, gaming chequesor money, instead of lying flat on the table felt. The stickman decides how thedice are counted based on the natural lean of the dice as if the intruding objectwere taken away.
Cold Table
When shooters are not making their Points.
Color In
House perspective of cashing out smaller valued chips for largerdenominations when a player is leaving the craps table.
Color Out
Player perspective of cashing out smaller valued chips for largerdenominations when leaving the craps table
Coloring Up
Player exchanging small valued chips for larger ones. Also thepractice of dealers paying winnings in higher denomination chips in order to enticeplayers into make larger bets.
Come Bet
A "virtual pass line bet": a bet made after the come out roll butin other respects exactly like a pass line bet.
Come Out Roll
The first roll of the dice in a betting round. Pass bets winwhen the come out roll is 7 or 11, and lose when the come out roll is 2, 3, or 12."Don't Pass" bets lose when the come out roll is 7 or 11, and win when the comeout roll is 2 or 3. Don't bets tie when the come out roll is 12 (2 in some casinos;the "bar" roll on the layout indicates which roll is treated as a tie).
Complimentary services provided to players by the casino in exchangefor the gaming action of the player, such as free meals, show tickets, or free/discountedrooms.
Dealer and player working in concert to make sure that multiplebets are properly positioned.
The numbers 2, 3, and 12.
The name of the game. Also 2, 3, or 12 on the "Come Out roll", thefirst roll of the dice in a round.
Crap Out
The numbers 2, 3, or 12 on the come out roll. "Crapped Out" isthe same as "7 Out".
Crapless Craps
A rare Craps variant where 2, 3, 11, and 12 are POINTS. TheStratosphere is the only casino in Las Vegas with a Crapless Craps Table.
When there are no players at the table.
The employee responsible for all the bets made on his half of thetable. Whenever you want to make free odds, place, or lay bet in a casino, you shouldgive the money to the dealer at your end of the table and he will position the betfor you.
Dice are in the Middle
When dice are brought in by the stickman and placedabove the Proposition Bets and in front of the Boxman. This is when wagers shouldbe made by the players.
Dealer slang for two $5 gaming cheques.
Don't Come Bet
A "virtual don't pass bet": a bet made after the come outroll.
Don't Pass Bet
The opposite of a Pass bet. Loses on a Come Out of 7 or 11,Wins on 2 or 3, and ties on 12. (In some casinos 2 ties and 12 wins.) If any othernumber is rolled than the Don't wins if a 7 is rolled before that number is rolledagain, otherwise it loses. This bet can only be placed immediately before a "ComeOut" roll. The house edge on this bet is 1.36%. A Don't Pass bet can be taken downat any time and may be increased by "Laying" odds to the true odds of the dice.
Double Odds
An odds bet that is 2X as large as the original pass/come "Flat"or "Contract" bet. Some casinos allow higher odds bets, such as 5X, 10X, or even100X odds.
Down Behind
Called by a dealer to inform a Don't bettor that his wager haslost.
Down the Middle (or Straight Out)
Refers to Player Position number 6 inthe center of either end of the table.
Down with Odds
Stated and executed by dealer when paying off a player PlaceBet and moving SAME PLAYER's Come Bet onto a specific number. This secures thatspecific player is COVERED on the specific number.
Downtown Odds
Better odds (pay-offs) on Proposition Bets, Place Bets on6 & 8 and Field as offered in most Downtown Las Vegas casinos (vs. Strip casinos).
The amount of cash money used by players to buy chips at a specifictable on a casino shift. The boxman is responsible for keeping track as playersbuy chips.
Drop Box
The metal box underneath the table that houses the cash from playerbuy-ins.
Drop Slot
The slot on the table in front of the house bank where the boxmanor dealers drop cash from player buy-ins into the Drop Box.
Duker (as in Duke)
Heavy money coming into a game, usually more than oneplayer and usually at both ends of the table. Raises a concern by boxman, floorpeople and dealers that it is going to get real crazy. Dealers will probably bedealing 4 or 5 "colors" (of chips)...$1, $5, $25, $100 and maybe even $500.
Slang for a total of 2.
Eye in the Sky
The surveillance video cameras on the ceiling that every casino uses to monitorgaming activity.
Field Bet
A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, or 12. Thisbet pays even money for 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11, and usually pays 2:1 for 2 or 12. Somecasinos pay 3:1 for either the 2 or 12 (but not both), and some casinos may makethe 5 instead of the 9 a field roll.
Fifty Yard Line
The middle of the table. A fair roll of the dice is supposedto pass the 50 Yard Line.
When the house replenishes the House Bank. This is usually done withsecurity guards present. The boxman has to count the fill and a dealer has to signthe receipt which goes to the casino cage.
Flat Bet
A player's original contract bet, usually on Pass Line or Don'tPass Line before "taking" or "laying" odds. Also refers to making the same denominationwager every time (as opposed to increasing and decreasing the bet size.)
Free Odds
Another term for the Odds bet. Also called True Odds.
Slang for the Field.
A Player who is consistent in toking (tipping) the dealers. The termwas derived in the early casino days when someone said "Look at all those GeorgeWashingtons" that are being bet for the dealers.
Dealer slang for $25 gaming cheques which in most casinos are green.
Green Light
When dealers have approval by floor management and/or boxmanto hustle tokes (tips). In the old casino days the boxman was a key figure in determininghow much "hustle" could be placed on the players to give the dealers tokes (tips).Often, in those days, the boxman would get a cut of the dealer tokes so, some boxmenwould allow the dealers to hustle and some (who were "company" men) would not. Whilemost casinos today set down strict personnel policies on dealer "hustling" someboxmen still let the dealers "go for it" even though they (the boxmen) don't necessarilyget cut in on the tokes (tips). The term "Green Light" is used by the dealers andboxmen to "go for the hustle" when nobody else from the floor (management) is looking.
A toke (tip) handed in to the dealer(s). Usually during a good rollof the dice or while cashing out prior to leaving the table.
Hard Way
A bet on 4, 6, 8, or 10 that wins only if both dice show the sameface; e.g., "hard 8" occurs when each die shows a four. "Hardways Work Unless CalledOff" should always be called by Stickman on Come-Out roll to remind players thathardway bets are at risk unless player calls them off.
Hawking the Dice
When a dealer looks at the dice as they're rolled to theopposite end of the table. Dealers are supposed to watch their end of the tableat all times to maximize customer service and game protection.
A one-roll bet on 2 and 12.
A one-roll bet on 2, 12 and 11.
Hit a Brick
Sometimes stated by Stickman when a die hits a stack of gamingcheques and does not roll the length of the table.
Player positions number 4 and 5 near the corner of either end of thetable. Often referred to as Inside Hook or Outside Hook.
Hop Bet
A bet that the next roll will result in one particular combinationof the dice, such as 2-2 (called a "hopping hard 4"), 3-3, 4-4, and 5-5. Even numbersare paid the same as a one-roll 2; odd number hop bets are paid the same as a one-roll11.
Horn Bet
A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, 11, or 12, usually madein multiples of four, with one unit on each of the numbers.
Horn High
A bet made in multiples of five with one unit on three of thehorn numbers, and two units on a selected "high" number (number 2, 3,11, or 12).Most Popular is the "$5 horn high eleven": $1 each on 2, 3, 12, and $2 on the 11.
Hot Table
When players are winning, usually passline, come and/or placebets.
House Bank
The gaming cheques stacked up between the dealers and in frontof the boxman. Used to pay off winning wagers or color-ins.
The numbers 5 6 8 9.
Insurance Bet
A bet made that pays if a different bet loses. Also called a hedge bet.
Jam Up
Heavy table action that slows the game down. Tables usually "JamUp" when there is heavy action on the Proposition Bets in the middle of the table.
Same as Vigorish. A commission fee on certain wagers.
A mathematical formula used by dealers to figure out payoffs, usuallyon complicated Proposition Bets.
A player's wad of cash, often wrapped up in a rubber band.
Plastic coin-like markers that are placed on Buy and Lay Bets andthat are also used to mark bets ON or OFF (bets in action). Also used by boxmanto keep track of the total money in the DROP.
Late Bet
When a player makes a bet after dice have been sent out or whenthe dice are already In The Air. The dealer or boxman will call "Bet" or "No Bet"to indicate whether the bet is valid.
Lay Bet
A bet that a particular number (4,5,6,8,9, or 10) will not be rolledbefore a 7. The casino takes 5% of the winnings on these bets. The 5% commissionis usually taken up front, but some casinos take the commission after the bet wins.
Lay Bet
A bet that a 7 will be rolled before the number you are placing(4,5,6,8,9, or 10). The casino requires you to lay slightly more than the "True"odds of the dice, giving the house an edge of 3.03% on 4/10, 2.5% on 5/9, and 1.82%on 6/8.
The graphic format of the table felt. Includes all places where wagerscan be placed.
Lay Odds
An odds bet taken after the player has made a Don't Pass bet anda point has been established. The odds bet is paid at the correct odds for the point,and is a fair bet with no house edge. This also applies to a Don't Come bet. Makingthis bet is referred to "laying the odds" for your Don't bet.
The wood or plastic top of the House Bank that covers house gaming chequeswhen the table is not in action.
Lights Out
Often stated by Stickman to remind Dealers to move the MarkerPuck to the black side (OFF position).
Line Bet
A bet on the Pass line or the Don't Pass line. These bets are placedat the beginning of the round, before the Come Out roll. The shooter is requiredto make a line bet in order to shoot the dice.
Little Joe
A total of 4.
Lock It Up
Dealer jargon to put loose gaming cheques into their stacks orinto the House Bank.
A new dealer who has trouble servicing heavy table action.
A Marker is used for high-roller play when a player uses credit alreadyestablished at a particular casino. The buy-in is established with the boxman anda marker (A LAMMER from the ones usually used to keep track of the HOUSE BANK isset out on the table to identify the dollar amount of the buy-in/credit).
Marker Play
When a player uses previously established house credit.
Marker Puck
A plastic disc that the dealer uses to mark the Point Numberon the Craps table. When the puck is turned so that "OFF" is face up, then a Come-Outroll is about to start and Place Bets and all Free Odds Bets have no action.
Betting on the number 12 to appear on the next roll.
Money Plays
Called aloud by the dealers when player makes a cash wager onthe table instead of using gaming chips.
Monster Roll
Any Hot Roll that lasts over 20 minutes or generates a lotof winnings for the player(s).
Dealer slang for the stick used by the stickman to move the dice.
My First (2nd, 3rd etc.)
Calls made by Stickman or Dealers to referencethe position of players when paying off wagers or making change.
Dealer slang for $5 gaming cheques.
Nina Ross
An old stickman call and sometimes shouted by the shooter referringto the number Nine.
No Bet
Called by Dealer or Boxman on late bets made by players after dicehave been sent out or when In-The-Air, to indicate that those bets don't count.
No Roll
Called by Dealer or Boxman if roll of the dice is short, slips outof shooters hand, lands in the house bank, bounces off table or into the rack orhits another player with a noticable delay before landing on the table, to indicatethat the roll doesn't count.
An additional bet made on a Pass or Don't Pass bet after a point hasbeen established. The bet is paid at true odds and carries no house edge. The amountthat players can wager on the odds bet varies from casino to casino, usually "DoubleOdds", 3X, 4X and 5X, 10X, or even as much as 100X. This bet is also called FreeOdds.
Odds Off
Free Odds bets that are "not working". Free Odds bets can be called"off" by the player at any time. Also, Free Odds on Come Bets are usually "off"during the Come Out roll, unless the bettor asks to have them "working". Come Oddsbets that are "off" will be returned to the player if 7 is rolled on the Come Outroll. Don't Come LAY ODDS generally work on the Come Out roll.
Usually refers to Marker Puck OR lammers placed on player wagers to indicate thatthey are not active on the next roll of the dice.
Off and On
Refers to the way that Dealers pay off Come bets when a playerhas a new come bet and wins on a number where there is already a wager postioned.
Usually refers to Marker Puck OR lammers placed on player wagers to indicatethat they are in action (aka "working", or "At Risk")
One on the Rail
Usually called by a dealer to inform the Boxman that a die,which rolled or bounced off the table, has been returned and set "On the Rail" nearthe Boxman for inspection.
The numbers 4 10 5 9.
Ozzie and Harriet
A hard eight (2 squares)
Leaving your winnings in action (letting it ride).
Pass (also Pass Bet and Pass Line Bet)
Wins when the Come Out roll is 7or 11, or when a point is rolled before a 7. Loses when the Come Out roll is 2,3, or 12, or when a 7 is rolled before the point. House edge on this bet is 1.41%.
Past Posting
Illegally making a wager after the dice have landed with aresult. Also, making a wager on the Don't Line AFTER a point has already been established.
Paying Behind
Usually called and executed by dealer when paying off Don'tBets.
Dealer slang for $1 gaming cheques.
The white dots on the dice.
The area comprised of all of the craps tables in a casino. Floor supervisorswalk around in the pit and keep an eye on the craps games in progress and on thecasino employees.
Place Bet
A bet that a particular number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) will berolled before a 7 comes up. These bets are paid at slightly less than correct odds,giving the house an edge of 1.52% on 6/8, 4% on 5/9, and 6.67% on 4/10.
Player Card
A player's membership card with the casino, shown when the playerbuys in so the casino can see how much action the player is giving, in order todetermine what comps to award the player.
Player Position
There are eight player positions on either side of a standardCraps table, numbered 1-8 from the Stickman to either dealer. This is the way thatdealers sequence pay-offs to players on winning wagers, as well as the way thatdealers positon player wagers on the table layout.
A 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10 rolled on the Come Out roll. The shooter must roll the pointagain, before rolling a seven, in order for the dice to "pass". A "come point" isjust the number that is serving as a point for a come bet.